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Fakultät BCI

Dr. Maren Zimmermann,


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Department of Biochemical and Chemical Engineering
Laboratory of Solids Process Engineering
Emil-Figge-Str. 68
44227 Dortmund



Recently, pharmaceutical production has been focusing largely on continuous manufacturing due to advantages relating to process efficiency and cost-effectiveness [1]. In this context, the compression of powder on rotary tablet presses is one essential technology.


Tablets are solid single unit dosage forms made from dry powder blends or granules using high compression forces [2]. They are the most common drug delivery system due to numerous advantages including an excellent dosing accuracy, a high patient compliance and an ease of handling. Additionally, high production rates are realized on rotary tablet presses [3].

For this unit operation the residence time distribution (RTD) is an important parameter, which is defined as the probability function of the time a particle remains in a unit operation [4]. This is related to the mixing capacity of a system as well as the impact of shear forces applied to particles.

In the context of this work, an in-line method to determine the powder RTD in a rotary tablet press should be implemented. Thereby process knowledge should be gained and the blending characteristic should be analyzed, which shall lead to a process intensification. In this context, the impact of the lubrication method should be investigated additionally.

© TU Dortmund ​/​ FSV
Figure: Qualitative scheme of modeling the product concentration in a rotary tablet press: Both feeders (left), the rotary tablet press (middle) and an exemplary product concentration as a function of time (right) are presented.


  1. Buchholz, S., Future manufacturing approaches in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, Chem Eng Process, 49, 993-995 (2010).
  2. Fahr, A., Voigt, R., Pharmazeutische Technologie: Für Studium und Beruf, Deutscher Apotheker Verlag, Stuttgart (2015).
  3. Bauer-Brandl, A., Die Tablette: Handbuch der Entwicklung, Herstellung und Qualitätssicherung, EVC Editio Cantor, Aulendorf (2011).
  4. Levenspiel, O., Chemical reaction engineering, Wiley, Hoboken (1999).

Curriculum Vitae

Since 2017 PhD at the Laboratory of Solids Process Engineering, TU Dortmund
2014 - 2016

M.Sc. Biochemical Engineering, TU Dortmund
Master thesis: Conceptual Design and Construction of a Droplet Separator for Producing a Fine Aerosol

2010 - 2014

B.Sc. Biochemical Engineering, TU Dortmund
Bachelor thesis: Studies on Degradation of Environmentally Relevant Concentrations of Bisphenol A with Immobilized Tyrosinase from Agaricus bisporus

2001 - 2010 Walburgisgymnasium (Menden)
Born November 13th, Wickede (Germany)