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Fakultät BCI

Tobias Gottschalk, M.Sc.


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Department of Biochemical and Chemical Engineering
Laboratory of Solids Process Engineering
Emil-Figge-Str. 68
44227 Dortmund



Hot melt extrusion and spray drying are two commonly applied processes in several industries [1]. Within this study, the applicability in the pharmaceutical area is investigated regarding the operating conditions.


TThe poor solubility of a large amount of new developed drugs is a major challenge in pharmaceutical applications. One approach to overcome this challenge is the manufacturing of so called amorphous solid dispersion (ASD), where the drug is molecularly dispersed into an amorphous carrier. Even though this strategy is known for years, only a small number of market products containing this kind of formulation is available, caused by challenges in manufacturing [1].

Within this work, the two most commonly used manufacturing techniques are compared. A special focus is on the selection of an optimized operating point, so that the manufacturing can take place as efficient as possible.

This work is a cooperation of INVITE GmbH and TU Dortmund within the frame of the consortium DDIC.


  1. Merisko-Liversidge E, Liversidge GG. Advanced drug delivery reviews 2011; 63: 427 – 440

Curriculum Vitae

since 2018 PhD at Invite GmbH (Leverkusen) in cooperation with the Laboratory of Solids Process Engineering (TU Dortmund) within the frame of the consortium DDIC
2016 - 2017

M.Sc. Chemical Engineering, TU Dortmund
Master thesis: Synthesis of submicron-particles within a solid crystal suspension by melt milling

2012 - 2016

B.Sc. Chemical Engineering, TU Dortmund
Bachelor thesis: Application of modular equipment items in heat exchanger networks

2004 - 2012 Ricarda-Huch-Gymnasium (Hagen)
Born June 6th, Hagen (Germany)